名次 |
桌遊名稱 |
發行年代 |
1 |
黯淡港灣Gloomhaven |
2017 |
2 |
瘟疫危機承傳第1季Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 |
2015 |
3 |
工業革命:伯明罕Brass: Birmingham |
2018 |
4 |
殖民火星Terraforming Mars |
2016 |
5 |
帝國曙光第4版Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition |
2017 |
6 |
歷史巨輪新版Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization |
2015 |
7 |
蓋亞計劃Gaia Project |
2017 |
8 |
星際大戰:叛亂Star Wars: Rebellion |
2016 |
9 |
冷戰熱鬥Twilight Struggle |
2005 |
10 |
大西部之路Great Western Trail |
2016 |
11 |
魔戒聖戰第2版War of the Ring: Second Edition |
2012 |
12 |
鐮刀戰爭Scythe |
2016 |
13 |
精靈島Spirit Island |
2017 |
14 |
黯淡港灣:獅之顎Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion |
2020 |
15 |
勃根地城堡The Castles of Burgundy |
2011 |
16 |
神秘大地Terra Mystica |
2012 |
17 |
七大奇蹟:對決7 Wonders Duel |
2015 |
18 |
和諧羅馬Concordia |
2013 |
19 |
工業革命Brass: Lancashire |
2007 |
20 |
魔鎮驚魂卡牌版Arkham Horror: The Card Game |
2016 |
21 |
展翅翱翔Wingspan |
2019 |
22 |
奧丁的盛宴A Feast for Odin |
2016 |
23 |
葡萄酒莊園:加強版Viticulture Essential Edition |
2015 |
24 |
奧爾良Orléans |
2014 |
25 |
魔法騎士Mage Knight Board Game |
2011 |
26 |
復仇女神號Nemesis |
2018 |
27 |
波多黎各Puerto Rico |
2002 |
28 |
連鎖美食集團Food Chain Magnate |
2015 |
29 |
洞穴農夫Caverna: The Cave Farmers |
2013 |
30 |
盤根錯節Root |
2018 |
31 |
第七大陸The 7th Continent |
2017 |
32 |
農家樂Agricola |
2007 |
33 |
瘟疫危機承傳第2季Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 |
2017 |
34 |
瘋狂詭宅第2版Mansions of Madness: Second Edition |
2016 |
35 |
血色狂怒Blood Rage |
2015 |
36 |
艾維戴爾Everdell |
2018 |
37 |
死之王國:怪物Kingdom Death: Monster |
2015 |
38 |
電力公司Power Grid |
2004 |
39 |
卓爾金曆:馬雅曆法Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar |
2012 |
40 |
機械對決小小兵Mechs vs. Minions |
2016 |
41 |
星際大戰:帝國突襲Star Wars: Imperial Assault |
2014 |
42 |
馬拉開波Maracaibo |
2019 |
43 |
克里多尼亞氏族Clans of Caledonia |
2017 |
44 |
歷史巨輪Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization |
2006 |
45 |
港都情濃Le Havre |
2008 |
46 |
花磚物語Azul |
2017 |
47 |
星蝕Eclipse |
2011 |
48 |
水中之城Underwater Cities |
2018 |
49 |
九號星球探險The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine |
2019 |
50 |
時空倒錯Anachrony |
2017 |
51 |
無盡駭骨Too Many Bones |
2017 |
52 |
馬可波羅遊記The Voyages of Marco Polo |
2015 |
53 |
魯賓遜漂流記Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island |
2012 |
54 |
安卓紀元:矩陣潛襲Android: Netrunner |
2012 |
55 |
漫威傳奇再起Marvel Champions: The Card Game |
2019 |
56 |
畫廊經理人The Gallerist |
2015 |
57 |
銀河競逐Race for the Galaxy |
2007 |
58 |
亞勒大地Fields of Arle |
2014 |
59 |
七大奇蹟7 Wonders |
2010 |
60 |
特奧蒂瓦坎:眾神之城Teotihuacan: City of Gods |
2018 |
61 |
優勢物種Dominant Species |
2010 |
62 |
蠢賊一籮筐Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure |
2016 |
63 |
五大部落Five Tribes |
2014 |
64 |
深水城領主Lords of Waterdeep |
2012 |
65 |
大五月花號Keyflower |
2012 |
66 |
里斯本Lisboa |
2017 |
67 |
加拿大彈指棋Crokinole |
1876 |
68 |
末日決戰Aeon's End |
2016 |
69 |
農家樂修訂版Agricola (Revised Edition) |
2016 |
70 |
凱呂斯Caylus |
2005 |
71 |
奎德林堡的庸醫The Quacks of Quedlinburg |
2018 |
72 |
強國爭壩Barrage |
2019 |
73 |
火星之上On Mars |
2020 |
74 |
蠢賊一籮筐承傳Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated |
2019 |
75 |
大王El Grande |
1995 |
76 |
西國聖騎士Paladins of the West Kingdom |
2019 |
77 |
帝國曙光第3版Twilight Imperium: Third Edition |
2005 |
78 |
西方王國建築師Architects of the West Kingdom |
2018 |
79 |
全球驚慄Eldritch Horror |
2013 |
80 |
太空堡壘卡拉狄加Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game |
2008 |
81 |
蒙巴薩Mombasa |
2015 |
82 |
特魯瓦城Troyes |
2010 |
83 |
皇輿爭霸:暗潮洶湧Dominion: Intrigue |
2009 |
84 |
旭日戰魂錄Rising Sun |
2018 |
85 |
污痕聖杯:阿瓦隆的殞落Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon |
2019 |
86 |
拼布藝術Patchwork |
2014 |
87 |
俄羅斯鐵路Russian Railroads |
2013 |
88 |
北海掠奪者Raiders of the North Sea |
2015 |
89 |
機密代號Codenames |
2015 |
90 |
兩河流域Tigris & Euphrates |
1997 |
91 |
骰越銀河Roll for the Galaxy |
2014 |
92 |
奧地利大飯店Grand Austria Hotel |
2015 |
93 |
魔戒:中洲征途The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth |
2019 |
94 |
圖拉真Trajan |
2011 |
95 |
帕米爾和平第2版Pax Pamir (Second Edition) |
2019 |
96 |
福爾摩斯Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases |
1982 |
97 |
皇輿爭霸Dominion |
2008 |
98 |
瘟疫危機Pandemic |
2008 |
99 |
輝煌的羅倫佐Lorenzo il Magnifico |
2016 |
100 |
瘟疫危機:伊比利半島Pandemic: Iberia |
2016 |