名次 |
桌遊名稱 |
2018年底 總排名 |
1 |
皇輿爭霸:暗潮洶湧Dominion: Intrigue |
58 |
2 |
邪神之戰Chaos in the Old World |
98 |
3 |
齋浦爾商人Jaipur |
113 |
4 |
漢薩同盟Hansa Teutonica |
115 |
5 |
蒸汽Steam |
125 |
6 |
群島爭霸Cyclades |
141 |
7 |
大國崛起2030 Imperial 2030 |
180 |
8 |
抵抗組織The Resistance |
189 |
9 |
地城領主Dungeon Lords |
191 |
10 |
小世界Small World |
197 |
11 |
幽閉恐懼Claustrophobia |
208 |
12 |
奮進號Endeavor |
215 |
13 |
傳情畫意Telestrations |
228 |
14 |
宇宙荒舟第3版Space Hulk (third edition) |
239 |
15 |
洛陽城外At the Gates of Loyang |
249 |
16 |
澳門Macao |
252 |
17 |
瑪麗亞Maria |
260 |
18 |
埃及Egizia |
302 |
19 |
一千零一夜Tales of the Arabian Nights |
348 |
20 |
汽車傳奇Automobile |
354 |
21 |
卡森市Carson City |
366 |
22 |
召喚師戰爭Summoner Wars |
395 |
23 |
托巴哥Tobago |
409 |
24 |
中土任務Middle-Earth Quest |
463 |
25 |
造船廠Shipyard |
464 |
26 |
瓦斯科˙達伽馬Vasco da Gama |
470 |
27 |
無盡世界World Without End |
480 |
28 |
召喚師戰爭:鳳凰精靈對決冰原獸人Summoner Wars: Phoenix Elves vs Tundra Orcs |
482 |
29 |
戰鎚:入侵Warhammer: Invasion |
486 |
30 |
諾曼地登陸之奧瑪哈海灘登陸戰D-Day at Omaha Beach |
490 |
31 |
召喚師戰爭:公會矮人對決洞穴哥布林Summoner Wars: Guild Dwarves vs Cave Goblins |
494 |
32 |
西部拓荒者Homesteaders |
543 |
33 |
水果莊園Finca |
552 |
34 |
雷霆之石Thunderstone |
570 |
35 |
要塞Stronghold |
608 |
36 |
開膛手傑克在紐約Mr. Jack in New York |
652 |
37 |
英雄對決:裝甲風暴庫爾斯克Conflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel! – Kursk 1943 |
665 |
38 |
電力公司:工廠經理人Power Grid: Factory Manager |
729 |
39 |
伯羅奔尼撒Peloponnes |
731 |
40 |
骰子鎮Dice Town |
748 |
41 |
賽車手Rallyman |
772 |
42 |
陷城危機Castle Panic |
847 |
43 |
魔法迷宮The Magic Labyrinth |
881 |
44 |
就是你Spot it! |
917 |
45 |
帝國崛起Rise of Empires |
947 |
46 |
黑金株式會社Power Struggle |
949 |
47 |
星際探索Ad Astra |
969 |
48 |
哈瓦那Havana |
980 |
49 |
冰極洪荒Arctic Scavengers |
1008 |
50 |
軸心與同盟:太平洋戰場1940 Axis & Allies Pacific 1940 |
1009 |
51 |
革命!Revolution! |
1050 |
52 |
競技場:羅馬Ⅱ Arena: Roma II |
1118 |
53 |
決戰不列顛RAF: The Battle of Britain 1940 |
1135 |
54 |
地城迷蹤2:死牢Dungeon Twister 2: Prison |
1149 |
55 |
冒險王:印加神廟The Adventurers: The Temple of Chac |
1164 |
56 |
太陽神骰子版Ra: The Dice Game |
1186 |
57 |
美國鐵路American Rails |
1222 |
58 |
3D立體烏邦果Ubongo 3-D |
1228 |
59 |
卡卡頌兒童版My First Carcassonne |
1289 |
60 |
木已成舟Alea Iacta Est |
1315 |
61 |
選戰經理人2008 Campaign Manager 2008 |
1317 |
62 |
賽馬狂熱Horse Fever |
1325 |
63 |
瓦多拉尋寶Valdora |
1329 |
64 |
理查三世: 玫瑰之戰Richard III: The Wars of the Roses |
1350 |
65 |
砌磚樂FITS |
1353 |
66 |
軸心與同盟:1942 Axis & Allies: 1942 |
1377 |
67 |
亞述Assyria |
1387 |
68 |
馬王爭霸Long Shot |
1389 |
69 |
編年史Chronicle |
1410 |
70 |
到文斯勒德的末班車Last Train to Wensleydale |
1424 |
71 |
蠻王科南世紀Age of Conan: The Strategy Board Game |
1428 |
72 |
女僕之心Tanto Cuore |
1432 |
73 |
祖魯戰爭Zulus on the Ramparts! |
1488 |
74 |
神之獵場God's Playground |
1492 |
75 |
卡卡頌命運之輪版Carcassonne: Wheel of Fortune |
1531 |
76 |
拼字拔河Word on the Street |
1538 |
77 |
自由之路Liberty Roads |
1647 |
78 |
太陽神祭司Priests of Ra |
1669 |
79 |
聖石之路卡牌版Keltis: Das Kartenspiel |
1676 |
80 |
貪婪公司Greed Incorporated |
1695 |
81 |
大師畫廊Masters Gallery |
1703 |
82 |
世界簡史A Brief History of the World |
1740 |
83 |
毛利人Maori |
1743 |
84 |
黃金城The Golden City |
1828 |
85 |
亞特蘭提斯大逃亡Atlantis |
1839 |
86 |
福克蘭群島戰役Where There Is Discord: War in the South Atlantic |
1873 |
87 |
巴爾的摩和俄亥俄Baltimore & Ohio |
1905 |
88 |
聖殿春秋:建築師對決The Pillars of the Earth: Builders Duel |
1944 |
89 |
舊金山纜車Cable Car |
1949 |
90 |
戰鬥指揮官:亞歷山大Field Commander: Alexander |
2003 |
91 |
希倫人:伯羅奔尼薩斯戰爭Hellenes: Campaigns of the Peloponnesian War |
2029 |
92 |
棉線鐵路String Railway |
2036 |
93 |
米勒山谷狼人:村莊The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow: The Village |
2044 |
94 |
高加索戰役The Caucasus Campaign |
2066 |
95 |
科隆尼亞Colonia |
2082 |
96 |
形色棋Qwirkle Cubes |
2146 |
97 |
動物拍賣大會改良版Kuhhandel Master |
2175 |
98 |
務農爭地Heartland |
2197 |
99 |
非州挖寶Livingstone |
2208 |
100 |
三駕馬車Triumvirate |
2233 |