名次 |
桌遊名稱 |
2018年底 總排名 |
1 |
七大奇蹟7 Wonders |
45 |
2 |
優勢物種Dominant Species |
49 |
3 |
特魯瓦城Troyes |
68 |
4 |
符文戰爭Runewars |
163 |
5 |
異星邊陲Alien Frontiers |
173 |
6 |
大航海家Navegador |
178 |
7 |
文明帝國Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game |
185 |
8 |
商人與掠奪者Merchants & Marauders |
207 |
9 |
壁畫大師Fresco |
257 |
10 |
格蘭摩爾Glen More |
267 |
11 |
倫敦London (first edition) |
282 |
12 |
曠世發明IInnovation |
289 |
13 |
花火Hanabi |
296 |
14 |
地球重生Earth Reborn |
305 |
15 |
詭譎:反恐戰爭Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001 – ? |
306 |
16 |
指揮與軍旗:拿破崙篇Commands & Colors: Napoleonics |
307 |
17 |
葡萄酒莊Vinhos |
324 |
18 |
拉斯維加斯領主Lords of Vegas |
367 |
19 |
領土保衛者Defenders of the Realm |
402 |
20 |
月神Luna |
427 |
21 |
華盛頓戰爭Washington's War |
457 |
22 |
巔峰極限K2 |
479 |
23 |
工業時代Age of Industry |
514 |
24 |
暗殺神Ascension: Deckbuilding Game |
530 |
25 |
宇宙荒舟:死亡天使Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game |
549 |
26 |
戰鬥對決:印丁之戰BattleCON: War of Indines |
589 |
27 |
禁制之島Forbidden Island |
618 |
28 |
倉庫城The Speicherstadt |
632 |
29 |
維斯特洛戰爭Battles of Westeros |
644 |
30 |
開膛手傑克口袋版Mr. Jack Pocket |
645 |
31 |
龍與地下城:鴉閣城Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game |
653 |
32 |
卡坦島雙人版Rivals for Catan |
680 |
33 |
地城彈彈樂Catacombs |
732 |
34 |
哈吉斯Haggis |
734 |
35 |
佛羅倫斯Firenze |
764 |
36 |
凱薩大帝Julius Caesar |
771 |
37 |
鼠疫危機Rattus |
826 |
38 |
宇宙開拓High Frontier |
840 |
39 |
人人爭做教皇De Vulgari Eloquentia |
846 |
40 |
阿薩拉Asara |
854 |
41 |
莫卡托Merkator |
865 |
42 |
軸心與同盟:歐洲戰場1940 Axis & Allies Europe 1940 |
868 |
43 |
時間軸:發明Timeline: Inventions |
897 |
44 |
玫瑰戰爭Wars of the Roses: Lancaster vs. York |
918 |
45 |
閃靈快手Ghost Blitz |
924 |
46 |
逃離外星人Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space |
945 |
47 |
戰地呼喊:獨立戰爭150周年紀念版Battle Cry: 150th Civil War Anniversary Edition |
978 |
48 |
夢中迷情Onirim |
988 |
49 |
第51州51st State |
1012 |
50 |
戰爭機甲:最初的MK 2 Warmachine Prime Mk II |
1069 |
51 |
時裝秀Prêt-à-Porter |
1075 |
52 |
制憲元勳Founding Fathers |
1096 |
53 |
西北航道Expedition: Northwest Passage |
1162 |
54 |
西蘭島Seeland |
1171 |
55 |
印加帝國Inca Empire |
1175 |
56 |
英雄戰場:幽暗戰爭Heroscape Master Set: Battle for the Underdark |
1180 |
57 |
赫拉斯叛亂Horus Heresy |
1191 |
58 |
黑幫老大The Boss |
1194 |
59 |
佛羅倫薩Florenza |
1232 |
60 |
綿羊爭牧場Battle Sheep |
1235 |
61 |
卡坦歷史:美國定居者Catan Histories: Settlers of America – Trails to Rails |
1243 |
62 |
大黃蜂領導人:運輸公司Hornet Leader: Carrier Air Operations |
1251 |
63 |
天才與賭徒家庭版Wits & Wagers Family |
1257 |
64 |
諾曼第登陸Normandy '44 |
1270 |
65 |
20世紀20th Century |
1277 |
66 |
巴黎鐵路網Paris Connection |
1284 |
67 |
麥格納姆Magnum Sal |
1298 |
68 |
黃金島Isla Dorada |
1306 |
69 |
蛇油Snake Oil |
1316 |
70 |
致富之路Samarkand: Routes to Riches |
1330 |
71 |
征服地球:外星人Conquest of Planet Earth: The Space Alien Game |
1341 |
72 |
地城任務第3版DungeonQuest (third edition) |
1363 |
73 |
君士坦丁堡Constantinopolis |
1381 |
74 |
落跑修女Nuns on the Run |
1392 |
75 |
龍之心Dragonheart |
1395 |
76 |
波塞冬Poseidon |
1439 |
77 |
香料格鬥Safranito |
1454 |
78 |
蘇格蘭領主Lords of Scotland |
1473 |
79 |
首班通往紐倫堡的列車First Train to Nuremberg |
1478 |
80 |
奧林帕斯Olympus |
1480 |
81 |
圓片格鬥Puzzle Strike |
1483 |
82 |
鱷魚神索貝克Sobek |
1484 |
83 |
提卡探險Ⅱ:失落神殿Tikal II: The Lost Temple |
1502 |
84 |
神秘列車Mystery Express |
1525 |
85 |
哥布林大戰GOSU |
1545 |
86 |
黑幫教父Famiglia |
1553 |
87 |
大市集Key Market |
1568 |
88 |
字字轉機Anomia |
1595 |
89 |
特級葡萄園Grand Cru |
1728 |
90 |
異形入侵Invasion from Outer Space: The Martian Game |
1730 |
91 |
紐倫堡Norenberc |
1774 |
92 |
喪屍骰Zombie Dice |
1791 |
93 |
炒鍋之星Wok Star |
1849 |
94 |
旅館謀殺案Mord im Arosa |
1850 |
95 |
魔城馬車The Castle of the Devil |
1852 |
96 |
奧斯曼帝國的落日Ottoman Sunset |
1869 |
97 |
1817年1817 |
1922 |
98 |
黎明之塵Dust Tactics |
1964 |
99 |
黑色星期五Black Friday |
1978 |
100 |
倫敦大火1966 The Great Fire of London 1666 |
1988 |