名次 |
桌遊名稱 |
2018年底 總排名 |
1 |
魔法風雲會Magic: The Gathering |
150 |
2 |
針扎牌Sticheln |
844 |
3 |
胡言亂語Beyond Balderdash |
1113 |
4 |
我們人民We the People |
1155 |
5 |
救生艇Lifeboats |
1305 |
6 |
從前從前Once Upon a Time: The Storytelling Card Game |
1359 |
7 |
廷布克圖Timbuktu |
1537 |
8 |
變異編年史:絕地圍城Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel |
1794 |
9 |
鬥士Man O' War |
1870 |
10 |
戰鎚40K Warhammer 40,000 |
1991 |
11 |
法式格鬥En Garde |
2018 |
12 |
蚊子吃墩Was sticht? |
2221 |
13 |
德國空軍的崛起Rise of the Luftwaffe |
2364 |
14 |
叛亂來了Here Come the Rebels |
2394 |
15 |
通往蓋茨堡之路Roads to Gettysburg |
2554 |
16 |
阿爾罕布拉宮花園The Gardens of the Alhambra |
3134 |
17 |
圖坦卡門Tutankhamen |
3212 |
18 |
貨運鐵路Freight Train |
3419 |
19 |
羅伯特․李將軍Bobby Lee |
3508 |
20 |
十字路口的雷霆第2版Thunder at the Crossroads (second edition) |
3649 |
21 |
剎車Ausgebremst |
3909 |
22 |
歐洲環球Europa Universalis |
4144 |
23 |
非洲:北非運動Afrika: The Northern African Campaign, 1940-1942 (1st edition) |
4244 |
24 |
超越帝國Over the Reich |
4303 |
25 |
克朗代克淘金熱Klondike |
4325 |