名次 |
桌遊名稱 |
發行年代 |
1 |
冷戰熱鬥Twilight Struggle |
2005 |
2 |
魔戒聖戰第2版War of the Ring (Second Edition) |
2012 |
3 |
光榮之路Paths of Glory |
1999 |
4 |
諾曼地登陸之奧瑪哈海灘登陸戰D-Day at Omaha Beach |
2009 |
5 |
勝利與悲情Triumph & Tragedy |
2015 |
6 |
戰鬥指揮官: 太平洋Combat Commander: Pacific |
2008 |
7 |
關原之戰Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan |
2011 |
8 |
宗教改革戰爭Here I Stand |
2006 |
9 |
戰鬥指揮官:歐洲Combat Commander: Europe |
2006 |
10 |
戰鬥班長Advanced Squad Leader |
1985 |
11 |
瑪麗亞Maria |
2009 |
12 |
童貞女王Virgin Queen |
2012 |
13 |
指揮與軍旗:拿破崙篇Commands & Colors: Napoleonics |
2010 |
14 |
漢尼拔:羅馬與迦太基Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage |
1996 |
15 |
拿破崙大捷Napoleon's Triumph |
2007 |
16 |
指揮與軍旗:古代篇Commands & Colors: Ancients |
2006 |
17 |
魔戒聖戰第1版War of the Ring (First Edition) |
2004 |
18 |
越戰啟示錄Fire in the Lake |
2014 |
19 |
直達前線Up Front |
1983 |
20 |
英雄對決:甦醒的巨熊(第2版)Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! (second edition) |
2012 |
21 |
戰鬥班長起始包1 Advanced Squad Leader: Starter Kit #1 |
2004 |
22 |
戰鬥班長起始包3 Advanced Squad Leader: Starter Kit #3 |
2007 |
23 |
無條件投降!Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe |
2014 |
24 |
戰鬥班長起始包2 Advanced Squad Leader: Starter Kit #2 |
2005 |
25 |
太陽帝國Empire of the Sun |
2005 |
26 |
雷霆之箭阿帕契指揮官Thunderbolt Apache Leader |
2012 |
27 |
絕不撤退No Retreat! The Russian Front |
2011 |
28 |
1775年:叛變1775: Rebellion |
2013 |
29 |
1989年:自由曙光1989: Dawn of Freedom |
2012 |
30 |
遙遠的平原A Distant Plain |
2013 |
31 |
漢尼拔與哈米爾Hannibal & Hamilcar |
2018 |
32 |
星際大戰:阿曼達Star Wars: Armada |
2015 |
33 |
盤根錯節Root |
2018 |
34 |
星際大戰:X翼戰機Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game |
2012 |
35 |
荒野之戰Wilderness War |
2001 |
36 |
墜落的天空:反抗凱薩Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar |
2016 |
37 |
華盛頓戰爭Washington's War |
2010 |
38 |
邱吉爾Churchill |
2015 |
39 |
古巴革命Cuba Libre |
2013 |
40 |
五軍之戰The Battle of Five Armies |
2014 |
41 |
戰爭之道(第2版)BattleLore (Second Edition) |
2013 |
42 |
東部戰線ⅡEastFront II |
2006 |
43 |
阿登作戰Enemy Action: Ardennes |
2015 |
44 |
凱薩大帝Julius Caesar |
2010 |
45 |
英雄對決:裝甲風暴庫爾斯克1943 Conflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel! – Kursk 1943 |
2009 |
46 |
美國內戰The U.S. Civil War |
2015 |
47 |
蘇格蘭之錘Hammer of the Scots |
2002 |
48 |
決戰不列顛RAF: The Battle of Britain 1940 |
2009 |
49 |
「不自由,毋寧死!」:美國獨立戰爭Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection |
2016 |
50 |
為了人民For the People |
1998 |