名次 |
桌遊名稱 |
2018年底 總排名 |
1 |
工業革命:伯明罕Brass: Birmingham |
35 |
2 |
旭日戰魂錄Rising Sun |
52 |
3 |
盤根錯節Root |
102 |
4 |
奮進號:大航海時代Endeavor: Age of Sail |
229 |
5 |
艾維戴爾Everdell |
243 |
6 |
鍛鑰者KeyForge: Call of the Archons |
244 |
7 |
截碼戰Decrypto |
255 |
8 |
歡迎來到…Welcome To... |
262 |
9 |
犯罪編年史Chronicles of Crime |
288 |
10 |
特奧蒂瓦坎:眾神之城Teotihuacan: City of Gods |
308 |
11 |
絕頂聰明That's Pretty Clever |
313 |
12 |
西方王國建築師Architects of the West Kingdom |
325 |
13 |
希臘領主Lords of Hellas |
335 |
14 |
柯英布拉Coimbra |
344 |
15 |
案件偵查:現代犯罪桌遊Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game |
498 |
16 |
西部傳奇Western Legends |
553 |
17 |
雷霆之石任務Thunderstone Quest |
583 |
18 |
心靈同步The Mind |
597 |
19 |
香料之路:東方奇觀Century: Eastern Wonders |
600 |
20 |
玩偶童話Stuffed Fables |
674 |
21 |
無盡殺戮:獸之死Zombicide: Green Horde |
677 |
22 |
故宮Gùgōng |
684 |
23 |
爆珠發明Gizmos |
694 |
24 |
骰子王座第一季Dice Throne: Season One |
728 |
25 |
珊瑚物語Reef |
738 |
26 |
太空基地Space Base |
802 |
27 |
格林森林The Grimm Forest |
819 |
28 |
奎德林堡的庸醫The Quacks of Quedlinburg |
830 |
29 |
花磚物語:琉璃之光Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra |
852 |
30 |
封地奇謀Feudum |
870 |
31 |
復仇女神號Nemesis |
879 |
32 |
精裝小說家Hardback |
909 |
33 |
神秘生物Cryptid |
936 |
34 |
水中之城Underwater Cities |
990 |
35 |
無盡駭骨:暗潮Too Many Bones: Undertow |
997 |
36 |
牛頓Newton |
1051 |
37 |
澳大慄亞AuZtralia |
1061 |
38 |
勝利當前Carpe Diem |
1062 |
39 |
魔鎮驚魂第3版Arkham Horror (Third Edition) |
1099 |
40 |
貨櫃大亨十周年珍寶版Container: 10th Anniversary Jumbo Edition! |
1103 |
41 |
漢尼拔與哈米爾Hannibal & Hamilcar |
1119 |
42 |
小小史詩殭屍Tiny Epic Zombies |
1121 |
43 |
虛空帝國ⅡEmpires of the Void II |
1128 |
44 |
迪士尼反派大亂鬥Villainous |
1129 |
45 |
王者之城The City of Kings |
1145 |
46 |
史前部落Rise of Tribes |
1185 |
47 |
鐵道任務:紐約Ticket to Ride: New York |
1192 |
48 |
棕櫚島Palm Island |
1239 |
49 |
低地Lowlands |
1314 |
50 |
瘋王雙堡Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig |
1320 |
51 |
水陸空英雄Heroes of Land, Air & Sea |
1342 |
52 |
火球島Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar |
1379 |
53 |
黯淡港灣創建史Founders of Gloomhaven |
1398 |
54 |
鐵道墨軌:深藍版Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition |
1402 |
55 |
貴族崛起Rise to Nobility |
1414 |
56 |
香港大停電Blackout: Hong Kong |
1421 |
57 |
疊人塔Castell |
1447 |
58 |
荒野大陸Wildlands |
1475 |
59 |
無盡碎片Shards of Infinity |
1493 |
60 |
GKR:重擊手GKR: Heavy Hitters |
1494 |
61 |
戰爭箱子War Chest |
1504 |
62 |
星域奇航:戰場前線Star Realms: Frontiers |
1526 |
63 |
深海下的克蘇魯Deep Madness |
1558 |
64 |
地產營建商The Estates |
1572 |
65 |
青青珊瑚島Blue Lagoon |
1650 |
66 |
山中小屋:傳承Betrayal Legacy |
1652 |
67 |
叛變Renegade |
1657 |
68 |
太陽神殿Luxor |
1662 |
69 |
星際大戰:X翼戰機(第2版) Star Wars: X-Wing (Second Edition) |
1667 |
70 |
末日劫難Maximum Apocalypse |
1670 |
71 |
瘟疫危機:羅馬殞落Pandemic: Fall of Rome |
1714 |
72 |
城市擴張Sprawlopolis |
1726 |
73 |
迷霧世界:摩洛克的崛起The World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch |
1764 |
74 |
復仇者無限之戰Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War |
1786 |
75 |
審判者傳奇The Reckoners |
1792 |
76 |
獨一無二Just One |
1834 |
77 |
黃河與長江Yellow & Yangtze |
1847 |
78 |
森林之靈Spirits of the Forest |
1853 |
79 |
大搜查:綠野仙蹤Unlock! The Adventurers of Oz |
1860 |
80 |
星際大戰:軍團Star Wars: Legion |
1890 |
81 |
唐頓莊園Obsession |
1894 |
82 |
骰子拓荒者Dice Settlers |
1915 |
83 |
雨後幽香Petrichor |
1950 |
84 |
幻想工廠Imaginarium |
1985 |
85 |
形色咚咚Drop It |
1997 |
86 |
骰子醫院Dice Hospital |
2050 |
87 |
對決恐龍島Duelosaur Island |
2100 |
88 |
梅納拉Menara |
2110 |
89 |
賽洛彼雅:內在世界Cerebria: The Inside World |
2144 |
90 |
鐵道墨軌:火紅版Railroad Ink: Blazing Red Edition |
2164 |
91 |
圖拉真廣場Forum Trajanum |
2170 |
92 |
曼哈頓計畫2:末日警鐘The Manhattan Project 2: Minutes to Midnight |
2184 |
93 |
表明Vindication |
2207 |
94 |
小小史詩衛兵第2版Tiny Epic Defenders (Second Edition) |
2241 |
95 |
選擇你自己的冒險:危險之屋Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger |
2282 |
96 |
地下城聯盟Dungeon Alliance |
2291 |
97 |
小中國大麻煩Big Trouble in Little China: The Game |
2301 |
98 |
映水夕照Sunset Over Water |
2305 |
99 |
晶石戰記Crystal Clans |
2306 |
100 |
百分直覺Illusion |
2327 |