名次 |
桌遊名稱 |
2018年底 總排名 |
1 |
殖民火星Terraforming Mars |
4 |
2 |
星際大戰:叛亂Star Wars: Rebellion |
6 |
3 |
鐮刀戰爭Scythe |
7 |
4 |
大西部之路Great Western Trail |
9 |
5 |
魔鎮驚魂卡牌版Arkham Horror: The Card Game |
20 |
6 |
瘋狂詭宅第2版Mansions of Madness: Second Edition |
25 |
7 |
機械對決小小兵Mechs vs. Minions |
29 |
8 |
奧丁的盛宴A Feast for Odin |
30 |
9 |
蠢賊一籮筐Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure |
62 |
10 |
瘟疫危機:伊比利半島Pandemic: Iberia |
78 |
11 |
聖托里尼Santorini |
82 |
12 |
橫濱紳商傳Yokohama |
92 |
13 |
農家樂修訂版Agricola (Revised Edition) |
93 |
14 |
深海諜影Captain Sonar |
106 |
15 |
翠嶼秘境Inis |
107 |
16 |
末日決戰Aeon's End |
120 |
17 |
輝煌的羅倫佐Lorenzo il Magnifico |
122 |
18 |
葡萄酒豪華版Vinhos Deluxe Edition |
145 |
19 |
壽司走走派對版Sushi Go Party! |
152 |
20 |
死亡寒冬:漫漫長夜Dead of Winter: The Long Night |
167 |
21 |
英雄國度Hero Realms |
171 |
22 |
密室逃脫:廢棄小屋Exit: The Game – The Abandoned Cabin |
172 |
23 |
揭秘希特勒Secret Hitler |
183 |
24 |
多米諾王國Kingdomino |
188 |
25 |
曼哈頓計劃:能源帝國The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire |
201 |
26 |
機密代號:有圖有真相Codenames: Pictures |
226 |
27 |
新演化論:氣候Evolution: Climate |
230 |
28 |
骰築英雄Roll Player |
235 |
29 |
幽暗暴君Tyrants of the Underdark |
240 |
30 |
環法自行車賽Flamme Rouge |
246 |
31 |
方格都市Quadropolis |
264 |
32 |
哈利波特:霍格華茲大戰Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle |
270 |
33 |
第51州大師版1st State: Master Set |
274 |
34 |
千年之刃Millennium Blades |
279 |
35 |
星際大戰:命運Star Wars: Destiny |
315 |
36 |
瘟疫危機:克蘇魯危機Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu |
316 |
37 |
頭等艙First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! |
334 |
38 |
柯南Conan |
351 |
39 |
大殖民者The Colonists |
359 |
40 |
印和闐Imhotep |
368 |
41 |
神秘谷Mystic Vale |
384 |
42 |
地中海帝國Mare Nostrum: Empires |
396 |
43 |
浩劫驚魂Cry Havoc |
422 |
44 |
垃圾藝術Junk Art |
424 |
45 |
密室逃脫:法老墓Exit: The Game – The Pharaoh's Tomb |
474 |
46 |
血腥橄欖球(2016版) Blood Bowl (2016 edition) |
489 |
47 |
浩瀚無垠:水晶洞穴 Vast: The Crystal Caverns |
508 |
48 |
驚爆13天:古巴導彈危機13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis |
517 |
49 |
迷你地下城One Deck Dungeon |
519 |
50 |
德爾菲神諭The Oracle of Delphi |
522 |
51 |
情書豪華版Love Letter Premium |
524 |
52 |
密室逃脫:神秘實驗室Exit: The Game – The Secret Lab |
525 |
53 |
富饒之城(2016版) Citadels |
528 |
54 |
神奈川學苑Kanagawa |
539 |
55 |
王牌電視台The Networks |
540 |
56 |
瓦萊尼亞:卡牌王國Valeria: Card Kingdoms |
550 |
57 |
文藝復興Pax Renaissance |
551 |
58 |
黑色管弦樂Black Orchestra |
562 |
59 |
腎上腺素Adrenaline |
563 |
60 |
寂靜迷航Not Alone |
588 |
61 |
勃根地城堡卡牌版The Castles of Burgundy: The Card Game |
593 |
62 |
星際迷航:崛起Star Trek: Ascendancy |
613 |
63 |
異種The Others |
616 |
64 |
神奇果汁Fabled Fruit |
631 |
65 |
汽車傳奇Automobiles |
634 |
66 |
花舍物語Cottage Garden |
660 |
67 |
世界博覽會1893 World's Fair 1893 |
668 |
68 |
群島誓約Islebound |
688 |
69 |
星雲谷Via Nebula |
690 |
70 |
鐵路革命Railroad Revolution |
692 |
71 |
本州Honshū |
741 |
72 |
生態農場Fields of Green |
752 |
73 |
星際迷航:前線Star Trek: Frontiers |
767 |
74 |
784 |
75 |
大殺四方:都是你的錯!Smash Up: It's Your Fault! |
787 |
76 |
夢想家園Dream Home |
794 |
77 |
密室逃脫Escape Room: The Game |
799 |
78 |
墜落的天空:反抗凱薩Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar |
801 |
79 |
「不自由,毋寧死!」:美國獨立戰爭Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection |
828 |
80 |
鐵道任務:陸路與水路Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails |
829 |
81 |
說夢人When I Dream |
833 |
82 |
新洛杉磯New Angeles |
880 |
83 |
烏姆城Ulm |
889 |
84 |
要塞第2版Stronghold (2nd edition) |
907 |
85 |
魔典爭霸豪華裝Codex: Card-Time Strategy – Deluxe Set |
926 |
86 |
木之靈Kodama: The Tree Spirits |
953 |
87 |
埃及考古:新旅程Archaeology: The New Expedition |
968 |
88 |
快樂鮭魚Happy Salmon |
972 |
89 |
瘋狂浪潮Tides of Madness |
986 |
90 |
深海探險Oceanos |
1018 |
91 |
神話故事Mythos Tales |
1049 |
92 |
異形Legendary Encounters: A Firefly Deck Building Game |
1066 |
93 |
奧丁的烏鴉第2版Odin's Ravens (Second Edition) |
1084 |
94 |
菁英部隊Project: ELITE |
1087 |
95 |
誰是內鬼Insider |
1089 |
96 |
首都華沙Warsaw: City of Ruins |
1091 |
97 |
電車Tramways |
1108 |
98 |
捕鯨船New Bedford |
1123 |
99 |
經濟危機Crisis |
1125 |
100 |
北海探險王Explorers of the North Sea |
1132 |