名次 |
遊戲名稱 |
發行者 |
1 |
卡坦島Catan |
Mayfair Games |
2 |
鐵道任務Ticket to Ride |
Days of Wonder |
3 |
星際大戰:帝國突襲Star Wars Imperial Assault |
Fantasy Flight Games |
4 |
瘟疫危機Pandemic |
Z-Man Games |
5 |
未知敵人XCOM |
Fantasy Flight Games |
6 |
煉金術士Alchemists |
Czech Game Editions |
7 |
山中小屋Betrayal at House on the Hill |
Wizards of the Coast |
8 |
骰越銀河Roll for the Galaxy |
Rio Grande Games |
9 |
瘋王城堡Castles of Mad King Ludwig |
Bezier Games |
10 |
死亡寒冬Dead of Winter |
Plaid Hat Games |
名次 |
遊戲名稱 |
發行者 |
1 |
怪物領主Boss Monster |
Brotherwise Games |
2 |
諾丁漢警長Sheriff of Nottingham |
Arcane Wonders |
3 |
骰子街Machi Koro |
IDW Games |
4 |
星域奇航Star Realms |
White Wizard Games |
5 |
璀璨寶石Splendor |
Asmodee |
6 |
漫威傳奇Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game |
Upper Deck |
7 |
安卓紀元:矩陣潛襲Android Netrunner |
Fantasy Flight Games |
8 |
毀滅人性卡牌Cards Against Humanity |
Cards Against Humanity |
9 |
砰!Bang! |
DaVinci Giochi |
10 |
DC超級英雄DC Comics Deck-Building Game |
Cryptozoic Entertainment |